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    Family Owned & Operated

    Trusted & Highly Rated Service

    Responsive & Timely Service

Residential HVAC Inspection in Edmond, OK

Residential HVAC Inspection in Edmond, OK When it’s time to check on the health of your HVAC system, especially during those hot summer days in Edmond, OK, you may not know exactly what to expect during an HVAC inspection. Having a professional come to your home can help set your mind at ease and ensure … [Read More]

Are Heat Pump Systems Worth It?

Are Heat Pump Systems Worth It? The Benefits of Using a Heat Pump As homeowners seek more efficient and environmentally friendly ways to heat and cool their homes, heat pumps have emerged as a popular and effective solution. Understanding how a heat pump operates and the myriad benefits it offers can help you make an … [Read More]

The Case for Heat Pumps!

Even though it’s cold outside, your Heat Pump can still pull heat out of that cold air! The average furnace has 3 heat strips in it, and each heat strip pulls 20 amps. Whereas we can keep your house warm with a heat pump while only pulling 20 amps! Food for thought: Absolute zero, meaning … [Read More]

Bringing the Heat!

Yarbrough’s is excited to announce we are Bringing the Heat this winter! We will be accepting nominations until December 15th 2018 Our Bringing the Heat program is something we are proud to bring to the OKC Metro Area. It is the perfect opportunity to use the resources at our disposal to give back to those … [Read More]

Ready for 5-Star Service?

Contact Yarbrough & Sons for all your HVAC & Plumbing needs in the Oklahoma City, OK area!